Several years ago, I saw a spread in Better Homes and Gardens that had a portrait of the featured home displayed in the living room. I thought that was such a cool idea that I vowed to have a portrait of my own home done someday. Well, that someday came this past weekend.
The artist of this most awesome painting is our nephew. His name is Scott Heman and as you can see, he is a VERY talented artist. This past Saturday, Scott delivered our painting. OMG! The painting is so lovely and his technique and attention to detail is amazing. His painting perfectly captures the way our home feels to us on an early summer afternoon. This portrait will make such a nice addition to our decorating scheme and we cannot thank him enough for doing this.
For the past five years, all of our spare time and money has been spent on the remodel of our little country cottage. All of the sacrifice and hard work are beginning to pay off. The remodel is about 90% complete and this portrait is a way for us to celebrate our accomplishments.

Here is what our house looked like in the beginning. At this time, we literally had to go outside onto the proch to get to the only bathroom! Plus, there was no heat and or A/C.
Unless you have worked on an extended remodel, you can’t fully appreciate the toll it takes on you. It is a bit like raising a child. It drains your bank account and tests all of your emotional reserves. However, in the end, it provides you with some of the most rewarding and enriching experiences of your life. Now that we are approaching the end, I can truly say I am glad we did this. We now have a lovely home that is truly ours. Each and every surface and system in the house has been designed and touched by our two hands. Our home is a perfect representation of who we are and how we choose to live. My wife and I have now raised five kids and remodeled four homes. While I highly recommend both activities to those who have not yet done it, this will be the last remodel for she and I. Yes, I have come to the conclussion that raising kids and remodeling homes are both activities best left to the young!
Even as I write this, I know that our home will never be completely finished. Just like us, the house will continue evolve as time goes by. We may not have any more painting to do, but there are still two unadorned acres to make beautiful and many more estate sales to attend in search of that perfect piece. Yes, even though the walls are done, the home is not finished. As Sir Winston Churchill so beautifully stated, “This is the end of our beginnings”.
BTW, Scott is available for commissions. So, if you have anything that you want painted, let me know and I will be happy to hook you up.
WOW!!! Scott is such an amazing artist… Proud of you!!
Maybe you could have him do a portrait of Ed!
I really loved and related to your article. How wonderful to have a painting like that! Very, very talented!!