The cover of this month's Texas Gardener magazine. In it you will find my first "published" piece, "Weed Free-Organically".
Well, this is a banner day for the yupneck. My first published piece came out today in Texas Gardener magazine (http://texasgardener.com/). My article is entitled “Weed Free-Organically”. It is a pretty in-depth piece on controlling weeds in your flower beds and vegetable gardens without the use of chemicals. Of course my wife, kids and mother think it is the best thing they have ever read. I hope you buy a copy and let me know if you agree with them. It will be available on news stands by February 28th and also on the web around the same time.
Texas Gardener is the second largest gardening magazine in Texas. It was started in 1981 by Chris Corby in Waco, Texas. For thirty years now he has been providing gardening advice to Texas gardeners by Texas gardeners. Chris has built an impressive stable of very well-respected garden writers. Their articles provide invaluable tips and tricks for growing things in the wildly variable and difficult Texas climate. This month, he is doing a special promotion with the garden centers in over two hundred Texas Wal-Marts. Look for your copy at the check out stand. You can also find copies wherever magazines are sold.
When I started my master’s degree at A&M, I had no idea what I would do with it. Thanks to some prodding and encouragement by some very special people, I may have found my niche. Seeing my work in print is very exciting. I am humbled to know that some people think that other’s might actually enjoy reading the things I write. I would like to say a special thanks to my wife. Without her encouragement, none of this would have happened. I would also like to thank Cynthia Mueller for asking me to write for HortUpdate (http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/newsletters/hortupdate/). That first potager piece led to my blog and now this. Also many thanks to Dr. Bill Welch and Dr. Doug Welsh for their support and encouragement. My son-in-law, Ramez Antoun is a very talented photographer. His photos made this article and my blog come alive. Thanks Moose! And finally, thanks to my kids. You always read what I write. And even if you think it is boring, you never let it show! I love you all!
Congratulations…I look forward to reading it! We will post a link to it on FB too!
Thanks Laurin. Hope you enjoy the article.