I love surprises! A few weeks ago I got a comment on my blog from reader Ginger Braun of Gatesville, Tx. A couple of years ago Ginger read my articles about Making Mustang Grape Wine and Bottling Christmas Wine and she used them to make her own wild grape wine. She had so much fun making the grape wine she decided to try the recipe to make watermelon, peach and pear wine too. Well imagine my surprise when she sent me a note last week telling me that she would be passing through Brenham and she would be happy to bring me some of her wine. How could I refuse?

Ginger used my recipe to make watermelon, peach and pear wine. She also shared two bottles of cider with me.
When we were setting up our meeting I learned that Ginger is not just a hobby wine maker. She is a bit of a modern day homesteader. She owns and operates the Braun Ranch. She raises and sells Nigerian Dwarf goats, homemade bread and farm fresh eggs. However, her favorite thing on her ranch is serving as milk maid for her momma goats. She uses the fresh milk to make three types of chevre (goat cheese) and goat’s milk soap.
You know how you just hit it off with some people? Well Ginger was one of those people. As soon as we met we were talking and swapping tips and stories like old friends. She is so open and personable and an absolute joy to visit with. I feel truly blessed that she went out of her way to share her wine, cheese and soap with me.
If you would like some great last minute stocking stuffers I encourage you to go to her Facebook page and leave her a message. Her soap is amazing. I used it last night and it felt so good and smelled heavenly. While I used the “leather” fragrance she also has pumpkin, bamboo, cucumber, lavender and citrus.
I haven’t had a chance to use the chevre yet but it smells and tasted terrific on the tip of my finger. She has plain, Jalapeño and chive plus garlic, dill and chive. My wife makes an amazing chicken breast stuffed with chevre and sun dried tomatoes. I plan on using the garlic, dill and chive cheese in that recipe. When I told my daughter about Ginger she told me about a recipe where she roasts carrots in honey and then places them on a puff pastry with a dollop of chevre. I can’t wait to try this recipe with Ginger’s plain cheese.

Chevre is so creamy and it works so well in both sweet and savory recipes. And of course, fresh homemade is always way better than store bought!
This has been an unusually hectic month at our house. We have been so busy that I had not started feeling the Christmas spirit yet. That all ended at 10:30 yesterday. Thank you Ginger for the early Christmas present, thank you for reading the blog and thank you for reminding me it is time to slow down and start enjoying this most joyous time of year! Merry Christmas!