I am really looking forward to this weekend. Work has been very stressful so I really need three days of intensive garden therapy. While many of you will be beaching, boating or barbecuing, I will be spending all of my Labor Day Weekend laboring. I am going to spend all three days catching up on chores and planting lots and lots of transplants.
- Transplant! – I love the vegetables that come from the fall garden best of all-and this is the weekend to plant the ones I love. This weekend I will be planting broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts from transplant. It is also a great time to plant shallots. Plant transplants in well-draining soil that has been thoroughly worked with compost. Keep soil moist for the first couple of weeks to ensure good rooting. No fertilize is needed at transplant time.
- Plant from seed- We are running out of time to plant a lot of fall crops from seed. My first freeze usually comes around November 16. Because of this it is too late to plant anything that takes more 70 days to mature. You can still plant most beans (green, lima, runner, wax). You should still have time to get a cucumber harvest from seed if you plant now. Some yellow squash will produce in under 70 days. However use transplants at this late date to ensure a harvest.
- Plant herbs from transplants – Herbs do great in the cooler fall temperatures. Plant basil, chives, cilantro and dill. Use that dill to make fresh pickles with cucumbers that you will plant this weekend.
- Prune roses – If you have not yet pruned your roses, do it this weekend. There are different types of roses and they all have different pruning requirements. Check out this great article from Heirloom Roses about how to properly prune your roses this fall. http://www.heirloomroses.com/care/pruning
- Redo Potted Plants – Fall potted plants require less water and their foliage stays bright the entire season. While marigolds and chrysanthemums are perennial fall favorites consider adding some clumping grasses or large scale cactus to your arrangements. They will add color, texture and drama to all of your creations.

Fall is the best time of the year for potted plants in Texas. Spice up your arrangements by mixing grasses or cactus with the standard annuals
Trees and Lawns
- Plant bluebonnets and other wildflowers – To over seed wildflowers, mow the lawn as close as possible then spread your seed. Once the seed is down walk around on them. Wildflowers need to come in contact with the soil to get the best germination
- Control fire ants organically – Fire ants love okra and broccoli. If you are like me you do not like to use chemicals anywhere near the vegetable garden. Control fire ants organically by combining compost tea, molasses and orange oil.
I share these posts on Our SimpleHomestead Blog Hop. Be sure to stop by. The “hop” has tons of great information from gardeners and homesteaders all over the world!