This will be my last post of the year. Thank you all for following me this year as we did our weekly tips. I am going to take some downtime to spend with my family. If you are Catholic you know we are in the liturgical season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting for the birth of our lord. I hope you receive many blessings during this joyous season. Sally and I are also celebrating our own personal Advent. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new grandson. Please keep all of us in your prayers!
If you get a break from all of the season’s activities, this week will be a great time to be in the garden. The weather is supposed to remain outstanding until the 28th.

Grandson number 1 came for a visit last week. Can’t wait to meet grandson number 2 this month! Sorry for all of the maroon but one of his granddads went to the other place so we take every opportunity to makes sure he makes the right decision 16 years from now!!!
- Plant Herbs – December is a great time to plant perennial herbs like rosemary, lavender, oregano and thyme. You can also plant from seed or transplant cilantro, parsley and dill
- Plant peas – My grandmother swore you should plant English peas on the last day of the year. This will ensure a nice fresh harvest for Easter
- Fruit Trees – Plant bare root fruit trees now and into January
- Spray Fruit trees – I have a real problem with scale insects. Spray fruit trees with dormant oil now to reduce your Spring infestations
- Plant salvias – I love salvias and I grow several varieties. If you don’t have any get some and plant them now. This plants are beautiful and long blooming and they are just about pest free.
- Plant iris – Plant iris corms now for an early Spring bloom
- Flowers – Plant calendula, or pot marigolds from transplant. You can also plant old fashioned “pinks” (dianthus) at this time.
- Move shrubs and trees – Most of our shrubs and trees are now dormant. This is the perfect time to move any that are not thriving or have over grown their space.

You can still plant all radishes in Zone 9. Try something different this season like diakon, rat tail or icicle radishes
I share these posts on Our SimpleHomestead Blog Hop. Be sure to stop by. The “hop” has tons of great information from gardeners and homesteaders all over the world!
Jay — Merry Christmas — thank you for all the gardening insights. I await them in the inbox every time! Adorable Grandson #1 — Can certainly see the resemblance! Good luck with Grandson #2. :–) Enjoy the season with your beautiful family. ‘Til next year.
Thanks so much for sticking with me through the year! Merry Christmas!
That little future Aggie is adorable! Congrats on grandson #2…,hope it all goes well.
I usually plant my peas in mid January but I’ll plant earlier this year – when grandmothers swear by something it ought to be honored (right, Sally?). Merry Christmas to all!
Thanks Patty! Merry Christmas to you and your family!