Helping Out After Hurricane Harvey by Patty Leander

Dear Friends,

From Corpus Christi to Beaumont, the damaging effects of hurricane Harvey were widespread and devastating. If you were affected please know that our thoughts are with you as we lift you up and pray for strength, perseverance and restoration in the days ahead.

This video from CNN shows a sliver of the destruction before the storm even hit the Houston area:

In the midst of such tragedy the resilient spirit of so many is amazing to witness. The outpouring of help and assistance, from trained rescuers as well as civilian volunteers, has been extraordinary.

Relief agencies and workers are in place to give immediate support to victims, but recovering and rebuilding from such a devastating natural disaster will take a long time. We ask those in our Masters of Horticulture community to please keep Houston and all of Southeast Texas on your radar in the days and months ahead and continue to support the recovery efforts in any way that you can. Make a donation to a relief agency, contribute to a food bank, feed emergency personnel or provide support to the families of first responders, National Guard and relief agency volunteers who have been called into duty at the last minute. The long hours, difficult work and challenging conditions can have a ripple effect on all involved.

Many churches, organizations, restaurants and agencies have stepped up to help. Perhaps you’ve already made a decision about how and where to help but if you’re not sure what to do below are two websites that provide useful information on making donations.

Our hearts are heavy but we know that Texas and its remarkable citizens will overcome this adversity and be better and stronger than before.  

This lovely rainbow appeared outside my house as soon as the rains from Harvey passed

This lovely rainbow appeared outside my house as soon as the rains from Harvey passed

3 thoughts on “Helping Out After Hurricane Harvey by Patty Leander

  1. that’s a really good rainbow shot. I took one over the roof of my house about 7:45 on one of the hurricane days, but it was quite puny compared to this one.

    • Thanks Cynthia! This was one of the prettiest ones I have ever seen. While the picture is ok, I wish I could have captured how bight and cheerful it really was.

  2. Thank you Patty for a sincere and uplifting post. The pictures on the television cannot show the heartache of so many Texans. I appreciate the sites to go to for those of us who want to help. Gardeners are the most generous, loving people so I know so many are already helping! Thank you again!

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