
Welcome to the Masters of Horticulture!  My name is Jay White and I am a 49-year-old non-traditional student working on a Master’s of Science in Horticulture at Texas A&M University (Whoop!). 

Coming to A&M has been the second best decision I have ever made.  I am the round peg that finally found the round hole.  I am surrounded by the best and brightest of the horticultural world and  I am truly blessed to be able to learn so much from so many talented people. 

While at A&M, I discovered that I liked writing about gardening almost as much as actually growing things.  That led to this blog.  I chose to call my blog “The Masters of Horticulture” because it was my intent to document all I learned on my path toward my M.S. in Hort.  The blog has evolved into a place that not only highlights the amazing things I am learning, but also highlights the many amazing horticulturists that I encounter as I wander down this horticultural path.  I call these people “Masters of Horticulture”.  By listening to and working with those that are masters of the horticultural arts, it is my desire to one day be just like them.

I hope you like the blog.  It is my sincere desire that, somewhere in its pages, you will find the tips, tricks and tools necessary to help you become a master of horticulture too.  I will be posting weekly, so check back often!

4 thoughts on “Welcome!

    • I have seen some in Wal-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot. The seeds are not always labled as Tatume’ though. I have seen them called round zucchini and Tatuma.

  1. I have my cypress vine and cardinal. One in two different pots. How should I keep it going over the winter? I know it self seeds but soil here in San Angelo is poor. I’m a third generation aggie so whoop back!

    • Everything in the genus Ipomoae is an annual. However, since new plants can get started now, the new ones may make it. If you can bring it in the house and keep it around 70 all winter it may stay alive. However I think you would be wise to gather up a bunch of seeds. Mine dies back every year even before the first freeze so I am really not sure it will over winter. Since it is in pots, you can put a sheet around the base of the pot and capture the seeds as they fall. Hope this helps and pray that Coach Sumlin finds us another quarterback that is as good as Johnny Football!

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